Donald Duck is a waterfowl, and in this gallery we got some! Unforunately at the moment I don't have alot of variety with waterfowl but I still have plenty to show off!

There's many species of duck that can be found in the world. While I only have two right now, I can definetly find more in my travels soon.
The first two photos are that of a Wood Duck. The males are easy to recognize with their distinct facial markings and greem crest. Also known as the Carolina Duck, they used to be in decline in the 19th centrury die to hunters and habitat loss. However in the passed century, the species are making a comeback and are makign a recovery.
The other duck in the gallery are Mallards. The most recognizable of the duck species, they are very common among the US. They are so successful at coexisting with humans in fact that some mallards even got domesticated, and have long relationships with the humans they live with.
Goose and Swans
Swans and Geese are very similar to each other: long necked waterfowl that rely on intimidation to deal with their threats that can take them. Even though you may see them alot, there's alot more to these birds than one mgiht think.
Mute Swans, like many others, are the most associated bird with the idea of mating for life. They are highly protective of their chicks and have bony spurs in their wings. Swans are also known to grieve and understand experiencing the pain of loss, even see in mourning processes. However, they take it upoin themselves to care for the chicks themselves.
Canada Goose are one of the most common species of goose. Like Swans, they intimidate predators to scare them, but don't have the strnegth to leave much of a bruise with their wings. They're most known for their migration, where they're known to gather in huge flocks for the winter.