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They aren't sky rats. They are doves. They have been a part of man kind for a while now. While there aren't many species of dove, they are some of the most widespread birds in the states, and even amongst the world.


Rock Doves, or Rock Pigeons, are some of the most common and well known birds of the world. Introduced into the states from europe, they are some of the most well known species of pigeon. 

While most Rock Doves are known by the mostly gray and blakc colors, many species from domestication and other events lead to brown and white pigeons as well. 

It was this species of dove that led to the Homing Pigeon: which were used as mail senders for their innate homing ability via magentoreception.


One of the other common species of Dove, the Mourning Dove is also one of the most common birds in North America, ESPEICALLY the US.

The Dove gets it's name from the sound it makes: the haunted and sad cooing sounds and the sounds of it's soft whistles when it takes flight: hence the Mourning in it's name.

There's alot of secret fun facts about these guys. For example: the Mourning dove is known to mate for life, and if you get to see the chance, they've been caught getting in cuddles.


The Eurasian Collared Dove is a interesting species of dove. They're rather pale dove, and get their name from the black "collar" on it's neck.

They have an interesting story of it's distribution: where several of these birds escaped captivity in the Bahamas, before spreading into the Americas. Despite how successful they are in the states, they are notably rare and even absent in the northeast, despite success in the north western states such as Washington, Idaho and Montana.

Like many other pigeons, Eurasion Collared Dove courtship rituals are by flight, often in a rising climb beforeflying downwardwith it's wings held into it's body. 

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