Other Birds
There's many other birds that exist alongside us. These ones here, son;t have enough species or photographs for their own seperate page of bird such as waterfowls or doves, so they get their own section here.

It's hard to find woodpeckers often. They nest high, and it's nto so foten that go down for food, but if you're patient, one may fly to the lower trunk of a tree.
The first two pictures are of a Red Bellied Woodpecker. It gets it's name from the small red feathers on the lower end of it's belly. Like all woodpeckers, it mainly strikes insect nests with it's beak to spot them and eat, but sometimes you can see them catching aerial bugs too.
Downy Woodpeckers are one of my favorite birds like many others. They can be mistaken for other woodpeckers of similar size and color due to the red white color with the red cap, althoguh females lack the red patch. However, they have a signature call of pik sounds in a rattle.
Otherwise commonly referred to as "Birds of Prey": Raptors are the most notorious aerial predators. Such birds include Eagles, Owls, Ospreys and more! While I haven;t found many yet, the ones I have found are some great birds with alot of cool info!
The Red Tailed Hawk in these photos are actually found in my local neighborhood. Many hawks like the ones in central park, are known to nest in buildings where nobody else can reach them. Hawks can be identified over eagles for their shorter size and more rounded wings with a shorter wingspan. Such bird is actually popular in falconry for it's wide avaliability and is one of the easier to tame birds due to it's social disposition.
Althoguh he was shy due to the daytime, the Great Horned Owl is an interesting character. Like all owls, they can fly in complete silence. Unlike other birds, owl feathers are mcuh softer, and with a wider wingspan, they don't have to flap as much in flight, and have a slower flight speed compared to other birds.
Last bird of prey here is the Osprey. Although they're nicknamed as Fish Eagles or Sea Hawks, Ospreys are actually the sole representative of the family: Pandionidae. It's a single living species that has been seen worldwide outside of antarctica, something uncommon for other sole species. Due to this, Osprey have four subspecies based on the region.

Tree Swallow
One of my other few favorite birds found and fun to watch, Tree Swallows are very important Aerial Birds to science. Tree Swallows are sometimes considered a model organism: a non human species that is widely studied to understand particular behaviors and biological phenomenons and uses the species to work as insight when working with other organisms.
Tree Swallows are considered such due to their unique breeding methods. Chicks may hatch at different times as the females can control copulation. Although they are socially monogamous birds (Socially attached to one partner), they also exhibit extra pair paternity: having another partner to copulate with and fertalize more eggs.
Tree Swallows are insectavores, mostly eating insects in the air, and sometimes spiders, fruits and small molluscs. They mostly stay close to their nests when flying for food and almost their whole diet is off flies they catch. Although they fly up to 19mph on average, they can clock to 30mph in short bursts.
Because of their insect eating nature, they are one of the more imprtant animals in it's local food chain depending on where it lives. As onr of the best animal at insect control. It's important to note that human activity can negatively affect it's behaviors and force it to go longer distances than it's needed. While they don't seem much, we should do our best to help the enviroment to help them as well and learn more about them as a whole!